Article 1 : With the exceptions of special written provisions drawn up by an authorized person, the present Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to all the services provided by Ieprestel NV/SA and to all contracts which have been agreed or are to be executed. These terms and conditions are clearly displayed in the premises and are to be found printed on the reverse side of all published documents. They are thus, deemed to have been sufficiently brought to the notice of clients, contracting parties and third parties.
Article 2 : The rates mentioned may be subject to modifications without prior notice to this effect. The rates which have been confirmed in offers remain valid for a period of 3 months. Beyond this deadline, they may be modified in line with economic conditions. The rates which apply are those in force on the day the service is provided.
Article 3 : The hotel manager’s liability
The hotel manager shall not be held liable for any damage which may arise following an event which he is unable to foresee (force majeure), in spite of all the necessary precautions, in view of the circumstances and consequences. Nor shall he be held liable for damage caused by mistake, even partial mistake, by the client. Articles 1952 and 1954 quarter of the Civil Code apply with regard to safe-keeping.
Article 4 : The clients/contracting parties liability
The client must behave in accordance with accepted standards and the hotel’s house rules in which he/she is staying: the client may consult the hotel’s house rules. Any serious or repeated violation of the hotel’s house rules entitles Ieprestel NV/SA to put an end to the contract without prior notification. The client and the contracting party are jointly and severally liable vis-à-vis Ieprestel NV/SA for any damage caused to persons, hotel property, fittings and equipment and those areas to which the general public has access.
Article 5 : Clients agree to inform the hotel of any change in the use of the rented premises and not to invite any persons whose behaviour; reputation or respectability may in any way prejudice the hotel’s property or moral reputation, with the latter reserving the right to intervene if necessary. In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, Ieprestel NV/SA shall be entitled to cancel the event without compensation.
Article 6 : cancellation of a groupreservation
A booking is only guaranteed after receipt of the signed confirmation (Approved – pour accord) has been received and after payment of the requested down payment. In the event of cancellation by the client before the 30th day prior to the rental of the room, 30% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation. Should an order be cancelled between the 30th and the 15th day prior to the rental of the room, 60% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation. In the event of cancellation by the client between the 15th and the 8th prior to the rental of the room, 80% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation and in the event of cancellation by the client between the 8th day and the date of the rental of the room, 100% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation.
The number of participants shall be fixed at the latest 24 hours before the specified date.
Article 7 : The client shall only be sent invoices which exceed 50 euros and then only at his express request. Nonetheless, Ieprestel NV/SA reserves the right to demand prior payment of the bill or corresponding bills. All recapitulative bills or invoices are payable in cash and without discount. Such bills or invoices rightfully entitle Ieprestel NV/SA to charge interest in arrears of 1% per month, without formal notification, until full and final payment thereof. In addition, from the time the first formal notification for late payment is sent out, a lump-sum amount equal to 15% of the bill or the invoice, with a minimum of 150 euro, may by rights be demanded. Any late payment of a single bill or single invoice entitles the hotel or any other of Ieprestel NV/SA s’ establishments to suspend all instructions, all bookings and all services and al sales delivery, of whatsoever nature.
Article 8 : Force majeure
In the event of force majeure or unforeseeable events beyond one’s control, the party concerned is discharged from its obligations, without this giving rise to compensation. However the party concerned agrees to inform the other party via all possible means so as to limit all possible damage.
Article 9 : The hotels booking contract is governed by Belgian law. Any disputes arising out of the present contract are to be dealt with by the competent Court of Ieper.
A customized offer shall be drawn up for each event, to which the General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be attached, together with pro-forma invoices.
1. Validity of the offer
The validity of the offer shall be determined (either a date or X days prior to the event).
2. Confirmation conditions
Meetings, Banquets and rental of conference room: 30% of the estimated amount of the offer shall be requested by way of down. Non-payment of this amount may result in cancellation of the booking.
3. Confirmation of the booking
A booking is only guaranteed after receipt of the signed confirmation (Approved – pour accord) has been received and after payment of the requested down payment. In the event of cancellation by the client before the 30th day prior to the rental of the room, 30% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation. Should an order be cancelled between the 30th and the 15th day prior to the rental of the room, 60% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation. In the event of cancellation by the client between the 15th and the 8th prior to the rental of the room, 80% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation and in the event of cancellation by the client between the 8th day and the date of the rental of the room, 100% of the value of the services are to be paid by way of compensation.
The number of participants shall be fixed at the latest 24 hours before the specified date.
On the day of the event a change of the number of participants can not be accepted. All ordered meals will be invoiced.
4. Terms and conditions of invoicing
The term and conditions of invoicing and payment mentioned in Article 6 of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply, unless stated otherwise in the offer.
5. Extras
All additional expenses and services, of whatsoever nature, which were not initially envisaged at the time of booking, shall be borne by the contracting party, unless expressly stated otherwise in writing. In the event of failure to pay the expenses, for whatsoever nature reason, the organizer deemed to be responsible vis-à-vis the hotel shall be liable for these expenses.
6. Multiple bookings
The client shall refrain from entering into several contracts with several hotels for the provision of one and the same service. Breach of this rule authorizes the hotel to cancel the contract unilaterally. No compensation shall be claimed by the client.
7. Photo-reporting
The client is requested to inform the hotel in advance of the possible presence of a photographer.
8. Musical or commercial events
The client shall handle all the formalities to be carried out prior to certain events, such as a declaration to the Sabam and the official or legal authorization to be granted to the organize of musical activities. He shall also pay all the related costs, duties and payments involved in the organization of such an event. The booking is only accepted on presentation of documentary proof that the necessary formalities have been completed. The same applies to sales activities or commercial events.
9. Admission fees – sub-contracting
The client agrees to advise the hotel in writing prior to finalizing the contract of his full and final responsibility should the event, which is to be organized in the hotel’s premises, call for the collection of an admission fee. In the event of the admission fee having to be paid inside the rented premises, none of the hotel’s personnel are to take art in the collection of such fees.
In the event of sub-contracting by the client renting the conference rooms, the latter shall also discharge the hotel from its liability in the event of breach, error or non-execution of the legal formalities by the sub-contractor.
10. Use of name- trademark
Any use whatsoever of the hotel’s name, logo or trademark shall be subject to the hotel’s prior written authorization.