1. Guarantee of privacy. Guaranteeing the privacy of visitors to the website of the Ariane Hotel, is of the utmost importance to us. For this reason, our privacy policy includes full details of what information we gather and how it is then used.
2. Permission. Through using the information and services of Ariane Hotel, you agree to our privacy policy and to the conditions contained within it.
3. Questions. If you wish to receive more information or if you have questions about the Ariane Hotel’s privacy policy, you can contact us via email at welcome@ariane.be.
4. Monitoring of website visitors’ behaviour. The Ariane Hotel employs various techniques to monitor who visits our website, how each visitor uses the site and which pages are viewed. This is standard procedure, as it delivers information pertaining to the quality of the user’s experience. The information which we register, via cookies, includes IP addresses, the type of brower and the pages visited. At the same time, we monitor which parts of our website the visitor is viewing for the first time and from which page they begin their search. This information remains anonymous and is in no way coupled with other personal information.
5. Use of cookies. Ariane Hotel places cookies against visitors. This is in order to gather information about which pages on our website they visit, to monitor how often they return to the website and to see which pages perform well. We also keep track of what information the browser shares.
6. Disabling cookies. You kan choose to disable cookies. This can be done through selecting available options on your brower. You can find more information about these options on the website of your browser provider.