The Corona crisis was disastrous for tourism. Suddenly everything closed down. The world just stopped. For the first time, all First World War Cemeteries were empty. No crosses, no poppy's, no wreaths. We just couldn't accept that.
It felt good, that although we couldn't be together, we could still be united in our thoughts at this special time of the year. So we wanted to do what our overseas guests do every year: pay our respects. A simple google fomr with some basic details and we did the rest.
On a sunny, autumnal Monday, members of the A-Team headed out into the Ypres Salient loaded with cemetery maps and poppy crosses.
We were completely bowled over by the amazing response to our Armistice message.
For us, it was a very moving experience to perform this small act of remembrance and we would like to thank all those who got in touch with messages of support.
We will remember them.
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Depuis près de 20 ans, nous avons choisi de fermer notre hôtel et restaurant pendant les vacances de Noël afin de nous donner, ainsi qu'aux personnel, la possibilité de passer les vacances en famille et d'effectuer des travaux d'entretien sans déranger nos clients.
Nous sommes fermés à partir du vendredi le 22 décembre midi en nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir de nouveau à partir du lundi 8 janvier 2024.
Vous pouvez réserver en ligne pour notre hotel et notre restaurant .
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Nous souhaitons à tous de très bonnes vacances et une bonne année 2024 !
Le A Team